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    Yucatan Peninsula Adventure: Tips for Safety & Fun


    Yucatan Peninsula Adventure: Tips for Safety & Fun

    Have you postponed your next Yucatan Peninsula Adventure? We can certainly understand why.

    The last several months have been difficult for the entire world, as drastic measures were taken to combat the Covid-19 virus. But now many countries, like the USA and Mexico, have reopened and travel has resumed.

    Here are 3 quick tips on how to have a safe and fun Yucatan Peninsula Adventure.

    #1 – Continue to Take Covid-19 Precautions

    Before you even leave for the airport, make sure you’ve done all you can to make your health a priority. Nothing can ruin a trip faster than falling ill!

    It almost goes without saying that increased physical activity, time outdoors, eating properly, and taking vitamins will help boost your immunity as you get ready for your trip.

    If you desire, considering getting tested before you go on vacation. Many places offer Covid-19 testing – just talk with your local health department to see if there are any testing centers near you.

    And of course, be sure to get plenty of sleep. Being well-rested before you begin your adventure will help you enjoy it more once it actually begins.

    It may be challenging to sleep as the date for your vacation approaches, but try hard!

    #2 – Alma’s Expeditions is Committed to Keeping You Safe

    As expedition planning experts, we take your overall safety seriously.

    To that end, we ensure proper sanitization, physical distancing, and of course, that your group is kept safe the entire time. We’ll make sure that your group is always in as safe of environment as possible.

    So that you’re more comfortable, we encourage you to bring your own masks but we have plenty of sanitizer on hand.

    #3 – Small Groups in the Yucatan Peninsula

    Now, more than ever, small group travel is the “in” thing. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, groups of friends and/or families began to make tour arrangements on their own, rather than joining a large group.

    And small group travel happens to be our specialty!

    We encourage you to travel in your own group with input from everyone so that nobody feels left out.

    As you explore in your own group, there are no surprises – except the pleasant ones of seeing something new or meeting local people who will enchant you. And best of all will be the shared memories that you’ll have upon your return home.

    Traveling in your own private group also helps to ensure that you stay together. Naturally, we’ll be your guides and keep you safe as we explore new cultures and take in the breath-taking scenery. By sticking together in a small group, you’ll not only be safer, you’ll just plain have more fun!

    Remember, it’s those shared memories that make travel adventures extra special.

    Plan Your Yucatan Peninsula Adventure Today!

    Your job is to arrive healthy. Our job is to keep you safe AND to have a blast on your adventure.

    There’s no need to put off your vacation any longer – call us today to start planning your Yucatan Peninsula vacation!