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    Small Group Tours are Trending & It’s Our Specialty


    Small Group Tours are Trending & It’s Our Specialty

    The Small Group that Travels Together…

    Every industry evolves and matures as time goes by, and that extends to the travel industry as well. Take group tours to exotic – or even not-so-exotic locations, for example.

    It used to be that these groups would consist of a bunch of strangers – 20, 30, or even 40 of them – from all over, brought together to spend ten days on a tour bus traveling according to a generic itinerary.

    While that model worked well for decades, there were always potential difficulties with it that kept some people from traveling altogether.

    small group tours

    For some people, the prospect of spending ten days with total strangers is daunting.

    The initial experience of meeting strangers can be nerve-wracking for all of the introverts out there.

    Then there’s the fact that 40 people on a tour can be unwieldy. Because there are so many people, the tour director may not be able to give equal attention to everyone.

    Visiting museums or castles can make it hard to hear a tour guide. Who hasn’t had the experience of being stuck at the back of a large group of people in a large room, unable to see any of the gorgeous artifacts being described by the tour guide?

    Less than ideal, for sure!

    Private, Group Travel Now the Norm

    With the changes we’re making as a global community, small private group travel is now the preferred method to see the world.

    With increased health recommendations and social distancing, small travel groups provide a perfect solution to remain safe and keep fun as the top priority.

    This also means that extroverts and introverts alike have the ability to have a custom tour catered just to them. They’ll also enjoy the ability to get just the right amount of attention from the tour guide.

    Friends and/or Family

    At Alma’s Expeditions, we encourage travel with a group of friends or family (or both!) that everyone already knows and likes.

    What better way to spend a family reunion than by traveling somewhere exotic like Mexico or Guatemala, sharing the same experiences of Mayan ruins, modern villages, and authentic life in the country you’re visiting?

    Family or friends traveling together make their relationships stronger and create memories that will last for a lifetime.

    Small Group Tours

    Small group travelers have always liked to be in control of where they go and what they see and do in any new country.

    Because they are traveling in small groups, it’s easy for the tour company to cater to their every need – arranging customized travel options, traveling in luxurious coaches, and making unscheduled visits should something catch their eye.

    That’s the flexibility that traveling in a small, private group provides.

    Off-the-beaten Path Destinations

    The recent pandemic has altered people’s views of what places they’d like to visit in the near future.

    Rather than visiting crowded cities where it’s difficult to keep social distancing, increasingly, off-the-beaten-path destinations are the new ideal.

    Visiting Mayan ruins in Guatemala or Mexico, cruising on beautiful lakes such as Lake Atitlan – it’s all a laid-back experience that provides the traveler with a chance to interact with their family and friends.

    This includes getting to know the friendly locals, all in a much less hectic environment. This makes for a much more positive experience than traveling in large group tours to high-traffic destinations.

    Guided Tours by Experienced Providers

    Experienced tour guides and travel providers, who are intimately familiar with all destinations, can help design the perfect travel experience and ensure a wonderful experience.

    Talk to a tour group expert today!