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    Top 5 Mayan Ruins Near Cancun


    Top 5 Mayan Ruins Near Cancun

    The Mayan ruins near Cancun are one of the world’s most captivating ancient cities in the world. They date back to 300-900 AD. and were built by the Mayans. A Mesoamerican civilization that is famous for its writing system as well as for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.

    A Cancun vacation is the perfect opportunity to visit the extensive and impressive Mayan ruins found just minutes away from your hotel, or if you are up to it in the lush jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula!


    1. Chichen Itza

    One of the most famous sites out of all Mayan ruins and a UNESCO World Heritage Site is Chichen Itza about 3 hours west from Cancun.

    The highlight among the many impressive structures is definitely the famous “El Castillo” pyramid- one of the 7 new wonders of the world. Also known as the Temple of Kukulcan this 79 feet high step-pyramid is the physical representation of the Mayan Calendar and site of the famous spring and autumn equinoxes. 

    Mayan ruins near Cancun The Kukulkan Temple of Chichen Itza, Mexico


    2. Ek Balam

    The Ek Balam ruins in the quite northern Mayan Lowlands offer something new for visitors wanting to explore the rich Mayan culture just 40 miles from popular Chichen Itza.

    The enormous Acropolis pyramid is a striking sight after driving miles through the lush jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula.

    You can climb this imposing structure. From the top, you will see all the other buildings as well as two large hills with unrestored Mayan ruins.

    Mayan ruins near Cancun - Ek Balam


    3. Tulum

    The Tulum ruins are located 80 miles south of Cancun and are considered by many the most beautiful Mayan ruins in the area. The site is small but exquisitely situated on 49 feet-high cliffs above the turquoise water of the Caribbean Sea.

    These ruins offer a completely different experience to visitors than Chichen Itza or Ek Balam. This ancient city was once a very important seaport for trading jade and turquoise.

    Tulum’s archeological site is not only popular because of its breathtaking location, but also because of the many theories and myths that surround certain structures. Exploring these ruins is a great option for all kind travelers.

    Mayan ruins near Cancun - Tulum ruins


    4. Coba

    Not far from Tulum (about 30 miles west) you will find the beautiful pyramids of Coba in the lush tropical jungle. The easiest way to explore this widespread site is by renting a bike from one of the local vendors.

    Many travelers fall in love with Coba because of its beautiful setting in the jungle and its climbable pyramids with amazing views.

    The Church at Coba


    5. El Rey

    The El Rey ruins are located in the Cancún hotel zone. They are easily accessible for travelers who would like to explore a Mayan ruin close to their hotel. While not as famous and impressive as other Mayan ruins, El Rey is still beautiful. A big plus: they are conveniently located across from the public beach.

    This is a small intimate site with few visitors and beautiful fauna and flora.

    Cancun Hotel Zone ocean


    No matter which ruins you choose to visit, this mysterious culture that once inhabited this region will captivate you. Each Mayan ruin has its own remarkable story. This is why the best way to learn and appreciate their beauty is with an experienced and knowledgeable tour guide. 

    Let us help you start planning your Cancun Vacation today!


    Read more about private tours in Cancun: 10 Key Benefits of Booking Private Tours in Cancun

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